79. Registering Authority :- (1) The registering authority shall be the secretary of the respective Regional Transport Authorities.

(2) The Additional Registering Authorities shall be the Additional Secretaries of the Regional Transport Authorities as specified in the Fourth Schedule to the Rules, and also the executive staff of Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Motor Vehicles Inspector in the districts and the Superintendents in the Office of the Regional Transport Authorities.

(3) The additional registering authorities should exercise the powers subject to the general control and guidance of the registering authorities concerned.

80. Registration Mark :- The registration mark to be assigned under sub-section (6) of Section 41 by the registering authority specified in the first column of the First Schedule to these rules shall be as set forth in the corresponding entry in the second column thereof.

80-A. Exhibition of Registration mark :- The letters and numerals shall be exhibited as follows:

(i) in the case of transport vehicle other than a motor cab, registration mark shall be exhibited in two separate horizontal lines with letters and code numbers of the Registering Authority in one horizontal line; and numerals in another horizontal line below it.

» in all other cases, the registration mark may be exhibited with letters and numerals within two horizontal lines as aforesaid or in one horizontal line:

Provided that when the registration mark is exhibited in one horizontal line, there shall be hyphen between the letters (including code number of Registering Authority) and the numerals. The length and thickness of the hyphen shall be not less than three-fourth and one-fourth of a centimeter respectively.

81. Assignment of Registration Number :- (1) On receipt of applications for registration, the Registering Authority shall arrange them alphabetically every day and sign the numbers serially after the last registration mark assigned subject to the provisions of the following sub-rules.

(2) The Transport Commissioner may reserve any registration number/numbers as are considered necessary to be assigned to any vehicle.

(3) The Registering Authority may on an application in Form RRMA made to it by owner of the Vehicle reserve the special numbers within thousand from the last number assigned in serial order on the date of application.

(i) On payment of fee of Rs.50,000 (Rupees fifty thousand only) for any one of the numbers 1, 9, 999, 9999.

(ii) On payment of fee of Rs.30,000 (Rupees thirty thousand only) for any one of the numbers 99, 333, 555, 666, 777, 888, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888.

(iii) On payment of fee of Rs.20,000 (Rupees twenty thousand only) for any one of the numbers 123, 222, 369, 444, 567, 786, 1111, 1116, 3366, 3456, 4455.

(iv) On payment of fee of Rs.10,000 (Rupees ten thousand only) for any one of the numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, 111, 234, 306, 405, 789, 818, 909, 1188, 1234, 1314, 1818, 1899, 2277, 2772, 2345, 2727, 2799, 3636, 3663, 3699, 4545, 4554, 4567, 4599, 5678, 6336, 6633, 6789, 7227, 7722, 8118, 8811, 9009, 9099.

(v) On payment of fee of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) for any one of the numbers other than those mentioned against the clauses (i) (ii) (iii) and (iv) above in respect of all vehicles except two wheelers for which a fee of Rs.2,000/- shall be charged. When there is application for allotment for four wheelers and two wheelers for the same number, priority shall be given to four wheeler applicants.

"Provided that any current number can be reserved on payment of Rs.1000/-" (Rupees Thousand Only)

(vi) The applications for reservation of numbers shall be dropped in a drop box (sealed box) along with the required fee up to 1.00 P.M. No application would e allowed to be dropped in the drop box after 1.00 P.M. On any working day no application shall be received personally under any circumstances.

(4) All the payments shall be made in the shape of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Secretary or Regional Transport Authority of that District from, any reputed bank.

(5) If there is more than one application in a day for a particular registration number the reservation shall be made by way of receiving tenders in closed envelopes along with the RRMTA. All applicants shall enclose the offered amount by way of a Demand Draft in favour of Secretary, Regional Transport Authority of the District to the tender form at 3 p.m. on the same day before the registering authority. The number shall be allotted to the highest offer from those who have filed application. If any applicant is not present at 3 p.m. for bidding, his application along with fee shall be forfeited. The bid amount offered shall not be less than the fees referred to in sub-rules (3) (i), (ii) and (iii), as the case may be.

(6) The number reserved under sub-rules (3) (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be allotted on production of the vehicle and registered as per the procedure prescribed in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and rules made there under. The reservation shall be cancelled if the vehicle is not produced within (15) days from the date of reserving the number. The number served shall be re-notified immediately and the procedure as per sub-rules (3) (i), (ii), (iii) and (5), shall be followed after cancellation of the reservation. If no applicant applies for the number or numbers, the said number or numbers shall be referred to the Transport Commissioner at intervals decided by him for re-notification or further action.

82. Particulars to be pointed on transport vehicle :- (1) Save in the cases of motor cabs, the following particulars in respect of the every transport vehicle shall be exhibited on the left hand side of the vehicle in the manner prescribed that is to say :

» the name of the owner of the vehicle;

» the unladen weight denoted by U.W….. Kilograms;

» the gross vehicle weight denoted by GVW….. Kilograms;

» engine number;

» Chassis number;

» in the case of public service vehicle or an educational institution bus or a private service vehicle the number of passengers excluding the driver and the conductor specified in the permit of the vehicle denoted by Pass;

» the registered front axle weight denoted by R.A. W….. Kilograms;

» the registered rear axle weight denoted by R.A. W….. Kilograms;

» the registered axle weight each intermediate axle, if any denoted by M.A. W….. Kilograms;

» the number and size of tyres:

(a) front axle denoted by ………………….. Nos …….

(b) rear axle denoted by ………………….. Nos …….

(c) intermediate axle denoted by …….. Nos …….

» the validity of permit denoted by Per. Val …………..

» the registration mark of the vehicle denoted by registration mark;

» the validity of the certificate of fitness denoted by C or F, Val……………

(2) The weights shall be stated in Kilograms and the particulars shall be set forth in English letters and numerals, each not less than 25 mm high and 25 mm wide legibly painted on a plane surface or a plate or plates affixed to the vehicle.

83. Vehicles of Central Government exempted :- Vehicles registered under Section 60 need not exhibit the particulars specified in Clauses (vi) and (xi) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 82.

83-A. Communication of certificates of Central Government agencies of Motor Vehicles for registration :- (1) Every manufacturer should file an application to the Transport Commissioner enclosing the certificate obtained from the Central Government agencies under Rule 126 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 for communicating the same to all the Registering Authorities in the State for registration of a new model or its variant:

(2) Every application under sub-rule (1) above shall be accompanied with a fee of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand) for each model or its variant.

84. Application and authority for temporary registration :- (1) An application for temporary registration shall be made in the Form 20 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 prescribed for registration, under the Act marked ‘Temporary' to the registering authority or to the dealer dealing in the sale of new motor vehicles recognized by the Transport commissioner. It shall not be necessary to fill in Items 23 to 32 of that Form, notwithstanding that the vehicle may be a transport vehicle:

Provided that the dealer shall exercise the power of temporary registration only in cases where the vehicles released are new and are sold by him.

(2) The dealer exercising the power under sub-rule (1) shall abide by the orders of the Transport Commissioner issued, from time to time, on this behalf.

85. Extension of temporary registration :- An application for extension of the period of temporary registration under the proviso to Section 43 (2) of the Act shall be made to the registering authority specifying the period upto which such extension is necessary and shall be accompanied by the temporary registration Form C.R. Tern.

86. Form of Temporary Registrations :- A temporary certificate of registration shall be in Form C.R. Tem.

87. Intimation to the registering authority concerned :- The authority granting a temporary certificate of registration shall, in all cases forward a copy of Form CR Tem to the registering authority in whose area the vehicle is to be ordinarily kept.

88. Assignment and allocation of temporary registration marks to dealers :- (1) The authority granting a temporary certificate of registration shall assign a temporary registration mark to the vehicle and the owner shall cause the said mark to be affixed to the front and rear of the motor vehicle in the manner prescribed for registration marks in these rules..

(2) To enable the dealer to assign temporary registration marks to vehicles the registering authority concerned shall allocate to each dealer a block of temporary registration marks.

89. Temporary Registration Fee :- Unless exempted, the fee payable for temporary registration or for its extension shall be rupees fifteen.

90. Registration fee for articulated vehicle :- In case of an articulated vehicle which is provided with more than one trailer but is so constructed that only one such trailer can be used at a time, it shall be registered as single vehicle with alternative bodies and all such trailers shall be entered in the registration certificate without any additional fee.

91. Exemption from payment of registration fee :- The exemption from the payment of fee of registration shall be as notified by the State Government from time

92. Communication to original authority :- Communication of transfer to the original registering authority under sub-section(7) of Section 50 shall be in Form CRT I.

93. Change of category of vehicles registered in Hyderabad or other districts :- (1) When a motor vehicle of a particular category, registered in Hyderabad City ceases to remain in that category the owner of the vehicle shall apply immediately to the registering authority within whose jurisdiction the vehicle then is for the assignment of a new registration mark and shall present the registration certificate to that registering authority.

(2) The registering authority to which application is made under sub-section (4) of Section 47 shall assign the vehicle an appropriate registration mark in accordance with the First Schedule to these rules to be carried thenceforth on the vehicle and shall enter the mark upon the certificate of registration before returning to the applicant.

(3) An authority, other than the original registering authority making any such entry shall intimate the assignment of new registration mark to the original registering authority.

(4) The above sub-rule shall apply to all vehicles registered in other districts also where special series are earmarked for particular category of vehicles.

94. Amount payable for belated applications :- The amounts payable as referred to under sub-section (13) of Section 41 or sub-section (7) of Section 47 or sub-section (4) of Section 49 or sub-section (5) of Section 50 of the Act shall be as follows :

    Period   Amount in rupees

In case the period of delay does not exceed three months


In case the period of delay does not exceed six months


In case the period of delay does not exceed nine months


In case the period of delay exceeds nine months

95. Intimation to parties :- The registering authority assigning a new registration mark to a motor vehicle shall intimate the fact to the owner and the other party, if any, to an agreement of hire-purchase specified on the certificate of registration and shall apply to the original registering authority for transfer of the records of the vehicle in Form RMI.

96. Intimation in respect of vehicles not registered within the State :- Further to the provisions of sub-section (4) of Sec.47, when any motor vehicle which is not registered in this State has been kept within the State for a period exceeding thirty days, the owner or other person in charge of the vehicle shall send intimation to the registering authority of the area in which the motor vehicle is at the time of making the report and shall intimate:-

» his name and permanent address, and his address for the time being;

» the registration mark of vehicle;

» the make and description of the vehicle; and

» in the case of a transport vehicle, the name of the authority within the State by whom the permit has been issued or countersigned.

97. Inspection of vehicles registered in other State and brought into the State :- The registering authority shall before assigning new registration mark under Sec.47 or before entering the particulars of change of address or change of ownership of a motor vehicle in the certificate of registration require the owner or as the case may be, the transferee to produce the motor vehicle either before itself or before the Inspector of Motor Vehicles, in order that the registering authority may satisfy itself that the chassis and engine numbers noted in the registration certificate are correct.

97-A. Exemption of Road Rollers form Physical Inspection :- The Road Rollers used for repairs of roads, need not be produced before the registering authority for physical inspection of the Vehicle at the time of registration as required under Section 44 of the Act.

98. Exemption of vehicles with trade certificate :- Nothing in Rule 96 shall apply to motor vehicle which is exempted from registration exhibiting a trade certificate issued under the Act.

99. Issue of duplicate :- (1) On receipt of an application under Rule 53 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 with prescribed fee the registering authority shall cause necessary enquiries to be made as to the reasons for loss, genuineness of the application, verification of signatures of the applicant with reference to the records maintained in his office and after satisfying itself that the application can be complied with, shall issue a duplicate certificate of registration clearly stamped “DUPLICATE” in red.

(2) If the registering authority referred to in sub-rule (1) is not the authority which registered the vehicle originally or had assigned a registration mark under Section 47 the registering authority on production of a no objection letter filed by the owner of the vehicle from the original registering authority and after making necessary verification as to the genuineness of the application shall issue the duplicate.


Explanation for the purpose of this rule that the ‘registering authority' on whose rolls the vehicle has been entered after following the due procedure shall be deemed to be the original registering authority

(3) When a certificate of registration is completely written up or becomes soiled, the owner shall apply to the registering authority under Rule 53 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 with prescribed fee with the old registration certificate and the registering authority shall issue a duplicate certificate of registration clearly marked ‘Duplicate' in red, noting the particulars of the vehicle available in the surrendered registration certificate.

(4) Any person coming into possession in any way of the registration certificate of a vehicle not owned by himself, shall surrender the same to the Registering Authority which registered the vehicle or the Registering Authority in which jurisdiction he resides:

Provided that the other party to a hire purchase agreement or hypothecation noted in the registration certificate may retain the registration certificate for valid reasons to be reported to the Registering Authority.

100. Issue of Registration particulars and its fee :- The registering authority, upon receipt of an application together with the fee of rupees five may issue particulars of registration of a motor vehicle.

101. Return of original certificate when found :- When the original certificate of registration is found after the issue of a duplicate thereof, the owner shall return the original to the registering authority.

102. Suspension of registration certificate :- The registering authority or any officer authorised by the registering authority or the Transport Commissioner or any officer authorised by the Transport Commissioner may suspend the certificate of registration of a motor vehicle under Section 53.

The Transport Commissioner or an officer authorised by him shall exercise the powers vested in him under this rule throughout the State.

103. Prescribed Authority :- Any Registering Authority or the Additional Registering Authority of the region in whose functional area the vehicle was found plying, irrespective of the fact whether the vehicle has been registered in that region or not, shall be the prescribed authority for purposes of Section 53 of the Act.

104. Procedure for noting hire-purchase agreement or hypothecation certificate of vehicle already registered :- Where the registering authority noting the hire purchase agreement or hypothecation is not the authority by whom a new registration mark has been assigned under Section 47 of the Act, intimation of the nothing of hire purchase agreement or the hypothecation shall be sent to such original registering authority or the authority by whom a new registration mark has been assigned, as the case may be, in addition to recording the particulars of the registration of the vehicle and hire-purchase agreement or the hypothecation in the office register to be maintained by him for this purpose.

105. Cancellation of hire purchase agreement or hypothecation, Intimation :- An intimation of the cancellation of the note of hire-purchase agreement / hypothecation shall be sent to the original registering authority or the authority who assigned the new registration mark, as the case may be and to the authority who made the said note in the registration certificate, if the authority canceling the said note is different from the authorities.

106. Intimation to the financier :- The intimation to the financier under sub-sections (10) and (11) of Section 51 shall be sent under registered post to the address noted in the certificate of registration.

107. Certificate of fitness issuing authority :- A certificate of fitness under Section 56 shall be granted or renewed by the Inspector of Motor Vehicles and also by the authorized testing station as approved under sub-section (2) of Section 56 subject to the general control and directions of the registering authority.

108. Form of application for grant or renewal of certificate of fitness :- (1) An application for the grant or renewal of a certificate of fitness in respect of a motor vehicle shall be made in Form C.F.A. to the Inspector of Motor Vehicles or to the authorized testing station in whose jurisdiction the owner of the vehicle resides or carries on his business:

Provided that in the case of a stage carriage such application may be made to the Inspector of Motor Vehicles or to the authorized testing station in whose jurisdiction the owner of the vehicle resides or carries on his business at either end of the route on which the vehicle is permitted to ply or proposed to be plied at the option of the owner of the vehicle which he may exercise by filing a declaration before the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority which granted or proposes to grant the said permit; and the option once exercised shall not be permitted to be revised unless in the opinion of the Secretary of the said Authority, new circumstances have arisen warranting such revision.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) an application for renewal of a certificate of fitness can be made to any other Inspector of Motor Vehicles or to any authorized testing station in whose jurisdiction the vehicle is kept for the time being, with the permission of the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority which has granted the permit to the vehicle.

109. Date of next inspection – Endorsement on Certificate :- The authority by whom a certificate of fitness was issued or, if it has been renewed, the authority, by whom it was last renewed, may endorse thereon the date, time and place appointed for the next inspection of the vehicle and the owner shall cause the vehicle to be produced accordingly:

Provided that the vehicle need not be so produced if the owner proposes not to renew the certificate or if the vehicle is transferred to and kept in the area of another registering authority or Inspector of Motor Vehicles. In either of these cases the owner shall, before the date fixed for inspection, inform the authority who made the endorsement, in writing, that he does not propose to produce the vehicle, giving the reasons.

110. Production of vehicle for inspection :- If the owner of a vehicle is not required to produce the vehicle under Rule 109 he shall in not less than one month before the date of expiry of the certificate, apply for its renewal and shall cause the vehicle to be produced for inspection on such date and at such time and place as the appropriate authority may thereafter, upon reasonable notice, appoint.

111. One certificate for one vehicle :- There shall not be more than one certificate of fitness in respect of any vehicle.

112. Use of vehicle upon expiry of certificate :- If, owing to mechanical breakdown or other cause, a motor vehicle is, after the expiry of the certificate of fitness, outside functional area of the authority by whom the certificate is to be renewed, any registering authority or Inspector of Motor Vehicles may without prejudice to any penalty to which the owner or driver may have become liable if the vehicle is in his opinion fit for use, by endorsement in Form C.F. Sub and subject to such conditions as he may specify, authorize its continued use for such time as may reasonably be necessary for the vehicle to return to the area of an authority by whom the certificate should be renewed, and vehicle may be driven to such area in accordance with such endorsement but shall not be used after return to that area until the certificate has been renewed.

113. Inspection of transport vehicles :- All transport vehicles shall at reasonable times, be open to inspection by-

» any Magistrate;

» any police officer not below the rant of a Circle-Inspector of police

» any officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Asst. Inspector of Motor Vehicle; and

» any Minister of the Government.

114. Unsafe vehicle – Restriction of use :- If any of the authorities specified in Rule 113 making the inspection, considers that the vehicle is unsafe, for ordinary use on the road, he shall record his reasons in Form CFX and communicate them in writing to the owners if he is in the vehicle and if not, to the driver. Subject to provisions of Rule 115 the vehicle shall not be used thereafter in a public place save for the purpose of being driven for Inspection after repair, until the defects have been repaired to the satisfaction of the authority competent to issue or renew a certificate of fitness provided that the inspecting officer may, subject to such conditions as he thinks necessary, authorize the vehicle to be driven to a place of repair. A copy of the notice in Form CFX shall be sent to the registering authority of every district through which the vehicle runs.

115. Fresh fitness certificate to be obtained :- If the vehicle is in a public place when it is found to be unsafe, the inspecting officer may permit it to be driven at speed not exceeding 16 Kilometers an hour to its immediate destination or to a specified place for repair and thereafter it shall not be driven in any public place without the special permission of the Inspector of Motor Vehicles of the place to which it has been driven. The Inspector of Motor Vehicles may grant permission subject to such conditions as he thinks fit and may direct that a fresh certificate of fitness shall be obtained before the vehicle can be used in a public place.

116. Certificate of fitness – Cancellation :- (1) Any registering authority and any Inspector of Motor Vehicle may cancel the certificate of fitness of a transport vehicle under sub-section (4) of Section 56 if in his opinion the vehicle does not comply with the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder.

(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall debar the owner or other person in charge of the vehicle, the certificate of fitness of which has been cancelled, from applying at any time for renewal of certificate of fitness, if the vehicle has been repaired in such manner that the provisions of Chapter V of the Act and of these rules are complied with.

117. Reasons for cancellation to be given :- The authority canceling a certificate of fitness under sub-rule (1) of Rule 116 shall without delay give the owner or other person in charge of the motor vehicle a receipt therefore and a statement in writing of the reasons for such cancellation and shall make a report of his action and forward the certificate to the authority by which it was last issued or renewed.

118. Refusal to grant or renew-reasons to be given:- If the grant or renewal of certificate of fitness is refused, the reasons for the refusal shall be communicated to the owner in Form CFRR.

(2) The fee once paid for issue of renewal of fitness certificate shall not be treated as utilised for the reasons of issue of C.F.R.R but shall be treated as utilised if on re-inspection, the defects pointed out in C.F.R.R. are found to be not certified.

119. Report of loss or destruction-Application for duplicate fee:- If a certificate of fitness is lost or destroyed, the owner of the vehicle shall forthwith report the matter to the authority by whom the certificate was issued or last renewed and shall apply with a fee of five rupees for the issue of a duplicate certificate.

120. Duplicate – Issue of :- Upon receipt of an application and the fee referred to in Rule 119 the authority shall furnish the owner with a duplicate copy of the certificate duly stamped ‘DUPLICATE' in red.

121. Surrender of original certificate when found :- If the certificate of fitness, the loss or destruction of which was reported under Rule 119 is traced later on, it shall be surrendered forthwith to the authority by which it was issued.

122. Certificate issued previously – validity :- Subject to provisions of Rules 114, 115 and 116, a certificate of fitness issued under the Telangana Motor Vehicles Rules, 1964 shall be valid for the purpose of these rules upto the date of expiry noted in such certificate.

123. Non-production of certificate in certain cases :- No person shall be liable to be convicted of an offence under Section 130 for not producing the certificate of fitness if, at the time, when the certificate is demanded, he has Already reported the loss or destruction thereof in accordance with Rule 119 and a duplicate certificate has not been delivered to him.

124. Appeals :- An appeal against any of the orders passed under Section 45, Section 48, Section 50, Section 53, Section 54 or Section 55 shall lie to :-

» in the case of an order passed by registering authority or an officer of the rank of Regional Transport Officer or an Inspector of Motor Vehicles to the Deputy Transport Commissioner concerned, provided that in case the registering authority is of the rank of Joint Transport Commissioner, appeal shall be made to the Transport Commissioner.

(ii) in the case of an order passed by the Transport Commissioner or any other officer authorized by him, to the State Transport Appellate Tribunal.

125. Appellate authority in respect of certificate of fitness :- (i) An appeal against any of the orders passed under sub-sections(I)and (2) of Section 56 shall lie to-

(ii) in the case of an order passed by an Inspector of Motor Vehicles at the testing station to the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority concerned, and

(iii) in the case of an order passed by any other officer to the Deputy Transport Commissioner concerned :

126. Appeal, Form and Fee :- (1) An Appeal under Rule 124 or 125 shall be in the form of memorandum setting forth concisely the grounds of objection to the order which is the subject of appeal and shall be accompanied by the original or certified copy of such order.

(2) A fee of five rupees shall be paid in respect of each appeal, such payment being made by means of court fee stamps affixed to the memorandum of appeal.

(3) The appellate authority, after giving an opportunity to the parties of being heard and after such further enquiry, if any as it may deem necessary, may confirm, vary or set aside the order against which appeal is preferred and shall make an order accordingly.

(4) The Secretary, Regional Transport Authority or the Deputy Transport Commissioner or the Secretary, Transport Authority may, in his discretion, give any person interested in an appeal referred to in sub-rule (1), certified copy of the order appealed against or of any other relevant documents on payment of a fee of two rupees, such payment being made by means of court-fee stamps affixed to the application for each such copy of the order, petition or document.

127. Information regarding stolen and recovered motor vehicles to be furnished by the Police to the State Transport Authority :- The Director General and Inspector General of Police shall furnish a monthly return containing the information regarding vehicles which have been stolen and stolen vehicles which have been recovered of which the Police are aware to the State Transport authority by 5 th of the succeeding month.

128. State Register of Motor Vehicles :- (i) Each Registering Authority in the State shall maintain a Register in respect of motor vehicles of his district in the Form 39 as prescribed under Rule 75 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

(ii) Each Registering Authority shall supply to the Central Government a printed copy of the Register referred to in sub-rule (1) so as to reach the Director (Transport Research), Ministry of Surface Transport. New Delhi before 15 th April, 15 th July, 15 th October and 15 th January of every year covering details for the preceding period of three months and simultaneously supply copy of the Register to Transport Commissioner.

129. Deposits by authorized testing stations :- The deposit under sub-rule 2(b) of Rule 63 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules shall be by National Savings Certificates duly endorsed in favor of the respective Registering Authority.
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